October 14, 2009

Everything is Everything

I just read an article by John Frow called "A pebble, a camera, a man" on "Thing Theory" where he talks about the concept that "things, too, embody human will". He speaks about the fact that the speed bump is not merely a thing in the road, but something that gives an "instruction, on behalf of the police or some traffic control authority, to slow down on this stretch of the road". He explains that to call the speed bump "non-human" is to "ignore all the ways in which human will is translated into things and in which things in turn work as delegates which relay back to us these configurations of human will". In reading this it reminded me of my favorite phrase: "everything is everything".

When I begin talking about my belief that "everything is everything", (that everything either already is or eventually becomes connected in some way, that life always seems to find a way to circle back around, that everything has an intense interdependence upon everything else, and that every piece of this world is equally important and present within every other piece,) I am always told that I must be getting manic. I always have to laugh because though I may be going a little too far thinking that the number eleven is extremely telling in my life (because I seem to see an increase and reoccurrence before a major event), or in thinking that "rabbits are my power animal", I am certainly not the only one who sees the patterns in the world. I have even been told that people who are bipolar, or "mentally ill", see patterns more often. This may be true, and though this may make me see things a little more connected then they might actually be sometimes, I can't help but know in my soul that it's true: Everything is Everything...

"But we consist of everything the world consists of, each of us, and just as our body contains the genealogical table of evolution as far back as the fish and even much further, so we bear everything in our soul that once was alive in the soul of men. Every god and devil that ever existed, be it among the Greeks, Chinese, or Zulus, are within us, exist as latent possibilities, as wishes, as alternatives." -Hesse-


Cinda said...

You are such a smart girl! You have always been a deep and thoughtful thinker...nothing to do with mania!

GoGo said...

Does "everything is everything" = "it is what it is".

If so, its like saying 0 = 0. Which is saying nothing.

Nothing = nothing.

= If your bored than your boring..

Cinda said...

I wish that everyone had the opportunity to spend time reading and thinking about philosophies such as Frow's. It is tough stuff and not everyone has the opportunity to study at the level that you are able to do. I am so glad that you are well and centered enough to continue to learn and think and ponder!

Megan said...

Hi Linea. I am looking forward to reading the book you are writing with your Mom. You are a great example of a survivor who is managing being bipolar very well, and growing through it. Adversity is what makes us stronger and deeper. I wish it wasn't that way, but this is how God made things to be. Trials develop character, so bipolar people certainly have a lot of character! My daughter at the age of 13 is so much wiser than I was at that age, truly an old soul. Thanks for sharing! Megan

Bethany said...

This is a very comforting philosophy I think. I like it. I like how you explained it. And I like that rabbits are your power animal. I have 4 house rabbits and volunteer at a rabit rescue. They are wonderful creatures and can teach us a lot (like you, it seems).